What Consumers Need to Know about their Community's Fire Protection Rating and Insurance
In an effort to help solidify premiums for fire insurance in commercial and residential properties, insurers must have accurate and current information about each community's services related to fire protection. There is a program for this purpose called the Public Protection Classification, which is offered by ISO.
The program works hard to collect data about fire protection practices in various communities throughout the country. ISO carefully analyzes all of the data relevant to the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule, which is used to assign a number between one and 10 as a rating. This is called the Public Protection Classification number, and it is an important number to remember. Lower numbers are better in this rating system. If practices receive a rating in the first class, this means there is superior fire protection. When practices earn a rating of 10, this means the program and its practices do not meet the minimum criteria for ISO's standards.
When communities and their abilities to suppress fires are classified, the ISO is able to help them better understand their public services for fire protection. The program's existence provides a standard that can be used nationwide to help heads of fire departments analyze their practices to discover areas for improvement. Programs also help these departments plan their budgets to accommodate for better training and equipment. In some cases, they may need to upgrade their facilities as well. Communities with better public fire protection may qualify for lower fire insurance premiums.
When they do qualify for lower rates because of improvements or an existing quality program, there are incentives offered. The ISO provides these incentives, and they analyze more than 47,000 jurisdictions of fire departments. Their site provides plenty of information about the program and how the rating scale for fire suppression works. People can also use the site to learn their own community's information about codes. In addition to this, there is technical data available for fire protection personnel.
Fire insurance for a community is not something that most consumers are aware of. However, it is important for consumers and fire protection personnel alike to know how their communities measure up and what they can do to improve any deficiencies. Communities working together to better their fire protection are working for the good of everyone. To learn more about fire insurance and what can be done to improve codes, discuss concerns with us!
If you have questions or concerns on this issue, do not hesitate to call Zeiler Insurance and speak to one of our customer service representatives. As an independent agency, Zeiler Insurance prides itself with quality customer services for the people of the Chicago-land area and the rest of the Midwest. Customer or not, we can review your insurance and see if you are being protected appropriately for the right price.
-Lucas Zeiler
(708) 597-5900 X651